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Lamelle Facials & Peels

Evidence-Based Innovation
Combining the elements of well-researched interventions, clinical experience, ethics and in-depth knowledge of the client and consumer’s needs, Lamelle continuously pushes the boundaries of what products in the medical aesthetics industry can achieve, consistently delivering first-to-market products.
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Lamelle Facials & Peels

Lactifirm 30/10
Beta 15% Peel
Beta Plus 15% Peel
Hydration Facial
Purifying Facial
Age Prevention Facial

Nova Microneedling Treatments

Nova - Introduction
Nova - Acne Scarring
Nova - Aged Skin
Nova - Hyperpigmented

About Lamelle

This range of products are developed through a rigorous program of research, review, meticulous production and constant improvement. But one of the core reasons Lamelle is able to do this stems from a deep understanding of how the body and the skin works, as well as a constant drive, to gain even more insight.

Lamelle Offer The Best Possible Results


Prevent and treat

Lines and wrinkles, Poor skin texture, Sagging, Thinning, Uneven skin colour/tone.

Age Prevention

Prevent and treat

Fine lines, Textural change, Dark circles, Skin luster, Early changes in pigmentation.

Problematic Skin

Prevent and treat

Dark marks, Inability to use rich products, Mild to moderate inflammatory acne, Pimples, Inflammation – Sensitivity, Adult-onset Acne Vulgaris, Oily Skin.

Sun Protection

Prevent and treat

DNA damage, Sunburn, Pigmentation, Dehydration, Aging, Lines and wrinkles, Poor skin texture.

Are You Ready To Improve The Look And Feel Of Your Skin Through World-Class Science?

  • 25 Years of Experience
  • Highly Trained Specialists
  • Visible results after just 1 session
  • Pain-Free Peels

Evidence-Based Innovation

Schedule a consultation today as we would love to help you choose the Lamelle treatment to match your unique needs.

Lamelle Facial Treatment

Enter your details and we’ll contact you to schedule your Lamelle Facials treatment!

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